Hurst Lodge Junior guides pupils from Year 2 through to Year 6, providing each child with a rounded learning experience within the security of a happy school.

At the earlier stages of a child’s education, it is important to blend academic development with a focus on the broader skills and attitudes they need to become confident, independent learners. It’s about strengthening the ‘whole person’ to ensure they are properly prepared for the next stage in their education.
At Hurst Lodge, small class sizes mean children benefit from close attention from experienced staff, who employ a broad range of strategies to keep pupils focused and challenged. Specialist teachers for the arts, sport, STEM subjects and Forest School provide the balance needed for true ‘all-round’ development and off-site trips and residencies in Years 4 to 6 provide a chance to spread their wings.
Hurst Junior classes are known as Bumblebees and Dragonflies. These classes have mixed aged cohorts that allow students to learn at their own pace.
Lodge Junior classes are known as Birch, Heron and Maple. These classes have mixed aged cohorts, and their curriculum is designed to follow the individual, specific EHCP outcomes of each child rather than a generic, linear curriculum model. Therapies are accessed on site with Learning Support Assistants ensuring that all small step outcomes and provision from therapies are embedded across the school day.
Our children work and play hard, strive for excellence and are encouraged and rewarded for their efforts, achievements and good behaviour.
Our school days are: Monday – Thursday, 8:45am to 3:30pm and Friday, 8:45am – 12.45pm.

The Junior Learning Journey
Students are encouraged to become independent learners at the earliest opportunity. Within the carefully structured, hands-on learning environment, students are provided with academic and developmental building blocks, enabling them to make a positive start to life at school.
Numeracy and literacy skills are essential, and we consolidate these alongside a stimulating and creative learning programme which includes sports, art, music, drama, dance and Forest School. These lessons are taken by specialist teachers which enable us to combine the best elements of teaching with the ability to be able to learn through play as well.
Our students are encouraged to learn self-sufficiency, and we promote old-fashioned manners such as learning to engaging with others and saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’! They learn to listen, sit properly, take instruction and work on small group projects and tasks.

We provide extension work to stretch the most able and learning support for those who need it. We pride ourselves that all students are given encouragement and helped to reach their full potential.
We develop reading, writing, numeracy, creative talents and social skills. Emphasis is also placed on engendering enthusiasm and curiosity. Students are encouraged to develop tolerance, patience and kindness towards each other, and they are introduced to other countries, cultures, and creeds.
Initially, Form Tutors deliver most of the curriculum, ensuring a sense of security for each child. In Years 5 and 6, additional subjects are delivered by specialist teachers to reflect the more demanding needs of Key Stage 2, while Form Tutors retain pastoral responsibilities, monitoring each child’s progress and reviewing it regularly with parents.